No matter how much we try, we all seem to have a little clutter in our homes. In many cases, it may be impossible to lead a 100% decluttered life. However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't be living a more organized and efficient existence, lessening the effect clutter has on our stress levels.
But where should you start? With your possessions, of course!
Starting with Slimming Down Your Possessions
We all have stuff. But for some, many possessions have become nothing more than needless space-fillers that serve no purpose. None more is the case with your clothing items. Whether its bags, shoes, or apparel, most Americans wear 20% of their available clothing items 80% of the time! So, bagging up those excess item to either sell or trash is a great place to start.
Next, move onto other possession, such as electronics, appliances, gadgets, and old sporting equipment. There are 300,000 items in the average American household so don't expect this to be a fast process. Start by focusing one category in particular, or perhaps a specific room in the house (such as the kitchen) before making your way through the rest of the house.
Properly Store Those Items Labelled "Keep"
Through the process of cleansing and eliminating waste from your home, you will likely. uncover items that are significant to you and that need to be stored rather than thrown away. If that is the case, review your storage arrangements. Are all of your shelves full?
Your efforts to eradicate waste from your home will be undone if you let those items you want to keep pile up and clutter your home. For instance, if you've rediscovered your best power tools, it's no good throwing them in a drawer that should be used for something else. Invest in a proper tool storage solution instead!
Proper Storage Can Save Headaches Later Down the Road
Here at Koova, our American-made products come with a lifetime warranty so they are up to the task of storing your essential belongings. We offer a wide range of solutions, from storing your golf bags to hanging your surfboards.
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